Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dixie Chicks redux?

This was left as a comment and I thought it deserved the front page. Don't know how I missed this one. Thanks :)

"Let me rant a little:

While making a speech in France on the 3rd of April, our esteemed leader and #1 American made the following anti-American comments to a group of people who don’t necessarily see America in a positive light. This just days after presenting the King of Saudi Arabia with a FULL SUBMISSIVE bow:

" In America there's the failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America shown arrogance and been dismissive.."

How an American President could make comments like that without blinking an eye while the Dixie Chicks could make similar comments and be branded as un-American is beyond the pale. Is this “Chosen One” so above the rest of the world that whatever he does or says is OK? Is this another example of “not being proud of his country”? Is this the change the masses with “herd mentality” wants?"