Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So ... What do you want to See in a Presidential Candidate?

In 2012 .... what are the choices for president? The "Hope and Change" didn't leave people hopeful so they voted out democrats and changing the house back to republican controlled the first chance they got. What was the alternative? The only thing the Republicans have done so far is stopped the democrats every chance they get .... THIS IS A GOOD THING as the Democrats in the 4 years they controlled the house and Senate (Not 2 but 4. Two under Bush and 2 under Obama) messed things up further. It's a sad day when a stalemate is better than letting one party control everything.

In 2012 .... what's going to "Change" for Obama? Is Obama the best the Democrats can "Hope" for? Is Obama going to "Change?" Look at the past as a good indicator. In 3 years, he's made a ton of empty promises, the Democrats who held the power for 2 of his 3 years made things worse (all the while claiming things were getting better). Remember when the recession ended ..... then oops it the recession was worse than they originally thought? These are your "leaders?"

Come on! Would you accept this from anybody else? Any business you deal with?

When Obama was running for office, he sold the country a "Easy Fix" for everything that was wrong in America. Did it work? Ask those millions still unemployed. Ask those millions still without health care. Ask those millionaires who got richer. Ask those wall street bankers who got huge bonuses after being bailed out. Ask those large corporations who paid no taxes according to the Democrats yet were appointed to job creation committees and given millions in bail-out money.
How about those banks ..... many of you don't like the fees your banks are charging you? This is brought on by our Govt changing the rules to make things "better" for consumers. Because the banks are "making less money" they are charging more fees to make up for it. How is this "better?"

How about the people without health insurance? Why can't Americans have the same health plan as our "leaders?" The jury's still out on whether or not they exempted themselves from the bill they put in place .... Why? The same bill is being sent to the Supreme Court. Why?

Yeah ... so far the Tea Party and the Republicans have pretty much only 1 choice (Romney) but what's the alternative .... another 4 years with an unqualified, "No Change" "No Hope of things Changing" Obama?

My money's on the unknown. Somethings got to change!

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