What a moron. THE most important oath he will EVER take IN HIS LIFE, and he can't even get it right. He want's to lead the greatest nation on earth and he can't even get through the Oath of Office without screwing it up. What's he going to do when he has a real problem on his hands. Blame the man administering the oath all you want, but the fact remains, HE COULD NOT EVEN REPEAT WHAT HE WAS TOLD TO SAY WITHOUT MESSING UP!! So much for your "eloquent" speaker.
In other news, Your guy thinks he can tell people who they should listen to as well.
Sounds like a childish threat to me. I think the first paragraph says all you need to know about the arrogant ass living in the whitehouse
I'm glad you moved the strong comments to this forum. Smart thing to do. Because of the fact that political/religious feelings vary so much within our family, it is best to keep those subjects "on the fantail" and out of the mess. I am glad that feelings are so diverse - it tells me that my children are their own thinkers and not lemmings. God promised us free agency to think and act as we feel best for us.